Pavaso Trust
We know security is critical to you and your customers, especially in the digital age where information is created and exchanged at lightning speed. To ensure our customers information is protected, Pavaso completes numerous audits, assessments and compliance requirements – including vulnerability and penetration tests. We continuously benchmark Pavaso solutions against industry best practices to ensure documents and data shared with us, stays protected and minimizes the risk of exposure for your business.
By encrypting data at rest and in motion, our lender and title customers can rest easy and know that the document exchange and storage of their information will be handled safely and securely. Here at Pavaso we handle all of information as if it were our own, and the security of our customers comes first.
We understand and respect the importance of your customers’ data and privacy. Pavaso takes data privacy seriously and we do NOT sell any data to third parties under any circumstances.

Private Hosting Environment. Established with multiple layers of security, including security groups and network access control lists, help control access to instances in each subnet.
Data-at-rest encryption with AES-256. Delivers an additional layer of data protection by securing all private and sensitive information from unauthorized access to the underlying data stored.
Data-in-transit encrypted, website and web services use SSL. Determines variables of the encryption for both the link and the data being transmitted and allows sensitive information to be transmitted securely.
Data Center is certified at SOC-1/2/3 and ISO 27001. Assurance that your financial information and assets are protected through our system’s security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy processes.
Our Development Center is certified at ISO 27001. Ensures that security arrangements are fine-tuned to keep pace with changes to the security threats, vulnerabilities, and business impacts.
Pavaso uses Digicert Document Signing certificates stored Hardware Security Module (HSM) appliance. Digicert is an Adobe Approved Trusted List member, and certificates enable the creation of trusted digital signatures.
SOC-1 certification achieved. Ensures internal control over financial risk factors.
SOC-2 Type 2 certification achieved. Ensures the design and operational effectiveness of the organization’s system.